
Wednesday 9 January 2013

Shopping Seduction and Metro Cells: The New Retail Proposition | Wilson Street - Femtocell and Small Cell Technology

The demand is clearly there and the mobile penetration and device usage statistics are beyond doubt. So the question can be asked, what if consumers could be offered the convenience of the home shopping experience while in the mall? A tailored event which lets them shop on their own terms while also being able to physically examine, try out or try on the product? There is an opportunity here for mobile network operators (MNO) as well as for retailers and venues themselves. Metro cells can give operators the necessary capacity and coverage offering to serve a busy urban environment and give end-users a high Quality of Experience (QoE) which will keep them coming back to the mall.

Complete article here: Shopping Seduction and Metro Cells: The New Retail Proposition | Wilson Street - Femtocell and Small Cell Technology:

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