
Monday 3 November 2014

Dynamics of Change, panel discussion from #HetNet2014

A good panel discussion video from HetNet2014 conference. I think the image above would be useful for someone wanting a quick recap of the different types of small cells.

Barry McLaren of Ericsson, John Bramfeld of Advanced RF Technologies, Asad Vaince of Boingo Wireless, Mark Reynolds of the University of New Mexico and Jeffrey Funderburg of AT&T   talk rapid changes in the mobile broadband industry at the HetNet Expo 2014 (#HetNet2014).

Technology changes in the mobile broadband space are happening more rapidly than ever. Wireless service providers are rolling out LTE, with Advanced LTE and Voiceover LTE on the horizon. In parallel, 802.11a/c is being added to the Wi-Fi technology mix and Passpoint-certified devices could be game changers. This panel explores the perspectives from the wireless service provider, original equipment manufacturer, neutral-host provider, systems integrator and end user on how they are adapting—and getting ahead of—the rapid pace of change in the industry.

Questions discussed:
  • How does the latest upgrades impact what you do?
  • What do you envision 5G to be and will we realisitically see it?
  • Is 5G going to get rid of the problems thats keeping you awake in the night. Is it going to make things simpler?
  • How is HS2.0 and Passpoint, helping WiFi rollout and offloading?
  • Are the advances in WiFi going to make Small Cells irrelevant or are they going to work together?
  • What does the migration path look like for a move from CS Fallback to VoLTE with limited handsets available?
  • Is there a quality issue with VoWiFi?

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