
Tuesday 17 March 2020

LuxTurrim5G smart light pole concept

There is no shortage of concepts to create a truly smart infrastructure for smart cities but this one may be different. LuxTurrim5G is Nokia Bell Labs driven, Finnish publicly funded, Smart City Ecosystem research project innovating & piloting novel digital services and business opportunities for a real smart city enabled by smart 5G light pole network.

Here is a short summary of LuxTurrim5G from their website.

Smart cities need digital service infrastructure to improve safety, energy efficiency, air quality, effectivity of transportation and quality of living.

  • Develop & demonstrate key technical solutions & concepts based on smart 5G light pole infrastructure with integrated 5G mmW radios, sensors, cameras, info screens & other devices
  • Create an open access ecosystem and platform for digital services. 
  • Build a real life real time outdoor test and demo network at Nokia Espoo Campus to demonstrate new innovations on top of and enabled by 5G small cell infrastructure.
  • Pilot business & service innovations on e.g. navigation, information sharing & advertisement, public safety, weather monitoring and smart lighting.
Key results
Provide breakthrough enablers for a digital smart city ecosystem in street level deployments, by building versatile technology and service platform utilizing a single flexible and fast 5G network enabling data driven services from show case demos through pilots to real implementation

Here is a playlist of videos that provides further insights into the project.

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