
Monday 21 August 2023

'Story of the Edge' by Akamai

People share some useful stuff on social networks that I bookmark to visit and write later. This was shared by John Francis Nolan nine months back or so. I have just managed to watch it and definitely worth a share here.

Prof. Ramesh K. Sitaraman is currently a Distinguished University Professor and the Associate Dean for Educational Programs and Teaching in the College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.  He is best known for pioneering content delivery networks (CDNs) and edge computing services that currently deliver much of the world’s web, videos, edge applications, and online services. As a principal architect, he helped create the Akamai network, the world’s first major content delivery network (CDN) and edge computing service. He retains a part-time role as Akamai’s Chief Consulting Scientist. 

Late last year he delivered a talk 'Living on the Edge for a Quarter Century: An Akamai Retrospective' on The Networking Channel. The following is the abstract of the talk:

As Akamai and the creation of the “edge” turn 25, we look back at the key role that the edge has played in the evolution of internet services. The story of the edge starts in the late 1990s when servers were deployed worldwide to provide content delivery services for web pages and videos. The quest to move dynamic content and application logic closer to users created the first edge computing services a few years later. The growth of the edge that now spans thousands of locations has dramatically increased the scope and importance of services that critically rely on it. This has created new challenges in operating the edge at scale and securing it from sophisticated attacks. Further, as the carbon footprint of the edge grows rapidly, reimagining a sustainable “zero-carbon” edge that is powered by renewable energy poses a key direction for future research.

His talk is embedded below and the PDF copy of his presentation is available here.

You can view the author's publication page here.

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